ColMatch - BIST Designer

ColMatch 2.1 Manual

Input: C-Matrix, T-Matrix
Output: PLA file, "matches.txt" file

	ColMatch [options] C-Matrix T-Matrix [destination]

C-Matrix - PAT file specifying the C-Matrix
T-Matrix - PAT file specifying the T-Matrix
destination - The output PLA file. If not specified, it is printed to the standard output

-Tx Select Column Matching algorithm x: 0 - Fast Search
1 - Thorough Search (default)
-Rn Repeat the matching n-times
-X Don't Extract column matches
-N No negative matching

Column matching algorithms

Fast Search- The decision on column matches is being done at random, after the first fail the algorithm stops.
Thorough search - Like the previous one, but all the possible matches are examined in a greedy way. This is the default option. For larger instances it could be slow.

Repetitive Column Matching

The number of column matches found can be improved by repeating the column matching process several times. After that the best result reached is returned.

Don't Extract Column Matches

Don't extract the matched columns (i.e. the output variables) from the solution (PLA file). The matches obtained are desctibed in a "matches.txt" file.

No Negative Matching

Supresses the negative column matching, i.e., matching with an inverse column. Select this option when the inverted values of the PRPG outputs are not available.

Matches.txt file

This file is automatically generated during the column matching. It describes the column matches found.
Each line represents one column match. It is in format:
iv -> ov (pol)
where iv is the number of the matched input variable, ov is the number of the output variable and pol is the matching polarity (0 = negative matching).

PAT File

The PAT file describes the code words and test patterns.
Each line of the file represents one pattern in a binary format, i.e. it is a string of "0" and "1" characters (no spaces are allowed). The test don't cares are represented by a "-" character or "2" value.

LFSR Manual

The ColMatch program is provided with a tool for generating LFSR code words.
	LFSR poly seed cycles [destination]

where poly is the LFSR generating polynomial specified in octal numbers
seed is the LFSR seed (in octal numbers)
cycles is the number of required LFSR code words
destination specifies the output PAT file. If not specified, the patterns are printed to the standard output