TT-Min - the Fast SOP Minimizer




VLSI pages

Experimental results

Hardware configuration used for all benchmarks: Core 2 Duo 2 GHz, 3 GB RAM

This table shows results of minimization performed on large benchmarks. The benchmark name is given in the first table column, followed by the number of its inputs. The numbers of terms and literals of the source PLAs are shown in the third column. The TT-Min and Espresso minimization runtimes are given next. The result complexities are shown in the last two columns.
The cases where the times or solution sizes are not stated mean, that the minimizer has not found any smaller solution.

Minimization of large benchamarks

BenchmarkTime [s] Terms / Literals [-]
Name Inputs Terms / Literals TT-Min Espresso TT-min Espresso
taut1 25 5,000 / 50,015 8.24 3.76 1 / 0 1 / 0
taut2 25 50,000 / 686,138 212.32 251.88 20 / 20 20 /20
taut3 25 100,000 / 1,623,180 2525.45 15885.35 65,567 / 886,180 -
g25_15 25 79,056 / 1,311,480 27.36 - 18,720 / 295,446 -
g25_19 25 58,968 / 950,004 26.71 - 16,785 / 261,618 -
leku-cd_15 25 79,056 / 1,311,480 36.48 - 12,114 / 189,717 -
leku-cd_19 25 58,968 / 950,004 32.96 - 12,096 / 188,172 -
s420_12 35 113,280 / 2,577,502 5.82 107.86 17 / 170 17 / 170
c432_2 36 786,562 / 19,910,685 8928.99 14842.05 109,192 / 1,211,341 -
c432_4 36 866,664 / 21,865,362 680.73 832.82 7,128 / 60,512 7,128 / 60,512
c432_5 36 986,820 / 25,137,279 1066.03 1113.82 5,748 / 48,786 5,748 / 48,786
c432_6 36 1,220,023 / 31,362,256 1720.17 4046.20 5,332 / 45,190 5,332 / 45,190