Random Circuits Generators

PLA Generator 2.1

PLA Generator 2.1 is an easy-to-use tool to generate random PLAs that can be used as benchmark files
It produces PLAs of both fd and fr types.

Parameters that can be set:
  • Number of inputs
  • Number of outputs
  • Number of defined terms
  • Percentage of don't cares in the input matrix (i.e., dimensions of the terms)
  • Percentage of don't cares in the output matrix
  • Percentage of "ones" in the input matrix
  • Percentage of "ones" in the output matrix
  • Granularity of the percentage of input and output don't cares
In a case of a PLA type fr, consistent functions are always produced, i.e., their on-sets and off-sets are not intersecting.

Program Manual

genpla -i n -o n -t n [-idc n] [-odc n] [-idt n] [-odt n] [-glidc n] [-glodc n] [-glidt n] [-glodt n] [-NC] [-IN] [-L] [-timeout n] [file_name]
-i nSpecify the number of inputs
-o nSpecify the number of outputs
-t nSpecify the number of defined terms
-h nSpecify the number of hash bits. 0 is default
-idc nSpecify the percentage of input don't cares. 0 is the default
-odc nSpecify the percentage of output don't cares. 0 is the default
-idt nSpecify the percentage of input ones. 50 is the default
-odt nSpecify the percentage of output ones. 50 is the default
-gl[x] nLinear granularity, if defined specify gl[x] at the end term and [x] at the first term. [x] is default (no granularity). As [x] use 'idc','odc','idt' or 'odt'
-timeout nThe timeout limit, in seconds. 1000s is the default
-NCThe consistency check is not performed. The PLA type fd is produced.
-INPrint info about generated terms
-LLoad PLA from file and print info about it

The tool generates a random PLA. For details see the PLA specification.
The consistency check is performed as default, thus the resulting PLA always makes sense. In particular, the on-set and off-set never intersects. This may complicate generating PLAs with a lot of input don't cares. Here the terms of high dimensions are produced, and thus the probability of an intersection is highly increased. The PLA has to be recomputed in this case, which may significantly increase the computational time. The timeout limit was established for this reason. After this limit expires, the PLA generation process is terminated.

	generate -i 50 -o 5 -t 500
Generates a random PLA having no explicit don't cares, with 50 inputs, 5 outputs and 500 terms defined. Example
	generate -i 50 -o 5 -t 500 -idc 20 out.pla
Generates a random PLA having 20% explicit input don't cares, with 50 inputs, 5 outputs and 500 terms defined. An out.pla file is generated as a result. Example
	generate -i 50 -o 5 -t 500 -glidc 90 out.pla
Generates a random PLA having 50 inputs, 5 outputs and 500 terms defined. The number of don't cares in the terms changes linearly from 0% to 90%. An out.pla file is generated as a result. Example
	generate -i 50 -o 1 -t 5000 -glidc 90 -odt 100 -NC out.pla
Generates a random PLA type fd having 50 inputs, 1 output and 5000 terms defined. The function is defined by its on-set only, i.e., PLA with only 1's in the output matrix is generated. The number of don't cares in the terms changes linearly from 0% to 90%. Download PLA Generator 2.1

Authors: T. Měchura & P. Fišer, (c) 2008