Random Circuits Generators

KISS Generator 0.8

KISS Generator 0.8 is an easy-to-use tool to generate random KISS files (FSMs) that can be used as benchmark files.
For details on KISS see the BLIF manual.

Parameters that can be set:
  • Number of inputs
  • Number of outputs
  • Number of defined terms
  • Percentage of don't cares in the input matrix (i.e., dimensions of the terms)
  • Percentage of don't cares in the output matrix
  • Percentage of "ones" in the input matrix
  • Percentage of "ones" in the output matrix
  • The number of (pseudo-)equivalence classes
In a case of a PLA type fr, consistent functions are always produced, i.e., their on-sets and off-sets are not intersecting.

Program Manual

Genstate -i n -o n -t n -s n [-idc n] [-odc n] [-idt n] [-odt n] [-se n] [-sp n] [-sr] [-sNS] [-sND] [-sNK] [-sD] [-NC] [-timeout n] [file_name]
-i nSpecify the number of inputs
-o nSpecify the number of outputs
-t nSpecify the number of defined terms
-h nSpecify the number of hash bits. 0 is default
-idc nSpecify the percentage of input don't cares. 0 is the default
-odc nSpecify the percentage of output don't cares. 0 is the default
-idt nSpecify the percentage of input ones. 50 is the default
-odt nSpecify the percentage of output ones. 50 is the default
-timeout nThe timeout limit, in seconds. 1000s is the default
-NCThe consistency check is not performed. The PLA type fd is produced.
-s nEnable state enhancement and specify number of states
-se nSpecify the effective states (number of equivalence classes)
-sp nSpecify the percentage of pseudo states
-srEnable state RESET (it doesnt count to n states and n terms)
-sNSThe continuity check is not performed.
-sNDThe accesibility check is not performed.
-sNKThe ending check is not performed.
-sDThe deterministic check is not performed, terms are still checked for consistency.

The tool generates a random finite state machines (FSMs) in a KISS format. For details see the BLIF specification.
The consistency check is performed as default, thus the resulting KISS always makes sense. In particular, the FSM is deterministic, all the states are accessible.

Download KISS Generator 0.8

Authors: T. Měchura & P. Fišer, (c) 2008