BOOM Benchmarks

BOOM benchmarks - random two-level (PLA) circuits

To compare the performance and result quality achieved by two-level Boolean minimizers on large problems, we have created a set of artificial benchmark problems. The truth tables of these problems were generated by a random number generator, for which required parameters were specified.
Current BOOM benchmarks (v.1) have following properties:
  • Number of input variables: 50 - 300, by 50
  • Number of output variables: constantly 5
  • Number of care terms: 50 - 300, by 50
  • Number of don't cares in input matrix: 20% and 50%
  • Number of don't cares in output matrix: none
  • The on-set and off-set of each function were kept approximately of the same size
For each matrix size there were generated 10 different problems.

These benchmarks are available in standard Berkeley PLA format, type fr.

BOOM benchmarks filenames have the following structure:
	bb_iv x ov x p_d%_n.PLA
where iv is the number of input variables
ov is the number of output variables
p is the number of care terms
d is the percentage of don't cares in the input matrix
n is the problem number (0-9)

For details see: P. Fišer and J. Hlavička, "A Set of Logic Design Benchmarks," in Proc. of IEEE Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems Workshop (DDECS), Brno (Czech Rep.), April 17-19, 2002, pp. 324-327. pdf