Cookbook__ : from Altera Cookbook EPFL__ : EPFL benchmarks Espresso: Espresso examples Generic__ : Generic structures. (C) P.F. Illinois__ : Illinois benchmarks. Originally Bench ISCAS__ : ISCAS'85 and '89 ITC99__ : ITC'99, by Polytechnico di Torino IWLS2005__ : IWLS2005 benchmarks IWLS93__ : IWLS'93 LEKO__ : LEKO benchmars from Cong&Minkovich LEKU__ : LEKU benchmars from Cong&Minkovich LGSynth91__: LGSynth'91 benchmark LGSynth91-PLA__: LGSynth'91 benchmark MCNC-Comb__ : Combinational MCNC benchmarks MCNC-Seq__ : Sequential MCNC benchmarks (mapped, i.e. with latches) Other__ : unclassified, mostly undocumented QUIP__ : QUIP benchmarks