BOOM (BOOlean Minimization) is a tool for minimizing
two-valued Boolean functions. The output is a near-minimal or minimal two-level
disjunctive form. The input and output of BOOM is compatible with Berkeley
standard PLA format.
BOOM 2.7 runs as a Win32 console application.
Minimum requirements:
- Microsoft Windows 95 or higher
- Intel Pentium processor or compatible
Main Features
- Heuristic two-level multiple-output Boolean minimizer (PLA minimizer)
- Very fast
- Low memory demands
- Efficient for functions having a large number of both input and output variables (up to thousands)
- Advantageous for weakly specified functions
- Compatible with the Berkeley standard PLA format (like ESPRESSO)
- Output into PLA, VHDL, Verilog and BLIF
- Takes the on-set and off-set as the input, the don't care set need not be specified
- Iterative minimization support - gives the chance to improve the result by repeating the minimization procedure several times. The user can specify the desired run-time or the number of iterations
- BOOM-II is a combination of BOOM and FC-Min - see the references